Freezing Cupcakes - The Simple Way

Why should you freeze cupcakes? You have already made a fresh batch of cupcakes and iced them with chocolate, vanilla, etc. 

All your friends and family are happy and impressed by your cupcakes. Now, after the party is over and everyone goes home, it’s just you with a whole lot of extra cupcakes. 

You might ask, so now what? What am I going to do with all of these cupcakes to spare? Well, the solution is simple, have you ever heard of freezing cupcakes? Because now you will, freezing cupcakes is one of the most efficient ways to preserve your cupcakes from going bad.

You might be intrested in our blog “ How long do Cupcakes last ” This will help you decide if you want to freeze them or not.

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Why should you be freezing cupcakes?

You might ask yourself, why should I freeze cupcakes? The simple answer is why would you want your creation to go to waste. 

Why throw away food when you can expand its shelf life, all the way up to three months! That could save you a lot of time and money instead of having to make a new batch of cupcakes. 

Imagine having a surprise guest or family member coming over and you don’t have anything to serve. You can simply pop your frozen cupcakes and preheat them in the microwave or oven for a few minutes. Then you have got yourself some delicious cupcakes ready to serve in no time!

Freezing Cupcakes - Step by Step

  • After you have finished baking your cupcakes in the oven, be sure for your cupcakes to fully cool down to room- temperature.
  • Place on a large tray each of your room-temperature cupcakes and toss it into the freezer. Allow your cupcakes to partially freeze between thirty minutes to one hour. This will help ease the process of storing your cupcakes in a Ziplock bag. 
  • Once your cupcakes are partially frozen, remove your cupcakes from the freezer.
  • Open up a Ziplock plastic bag that is suitable for your cupcake size. If your cupcakes are bite-sized, then a small bag will do. The same thing goes for medium and large cupcakes, if your cupcakes are medium then use a medium Ziplock bag and if they are large cupcakes then use a large Ziplock bag.
  • Carefully align your bag with a kitchen napkin. Your kitchen napkin should preferably be on the thicker side which will help absorb any moisture from your cupcakes.
  • Place your cupcakes in your Ziplock bag, making sure to leave a slight space in between each cupcake. It is best if you line your cupcakes side by side rather than stacking them on top of each other.
  • After filling the bag with your cupcakes, press it down gently to release the air, and then seal your Ziplock bag tightly. This step is very important because any residual air that remains in the Ziplock bag will result in bacteria build-up, hence a shorter shelf-life.
  • Place your bag carefully into the freezer. Be sure to put it somewhere that is not crowded. You don’t want your cupcakes to get crushed by the freezer’s contents, so store them accordingly.
  • Freeze your cupcakes away! Within three to five hours, your cupcakes will be frozen to the t! Your cupcakes will be good for consumption for three months.  


Well, there you go! A simple way for freezing your cupcakes in no time. You can heat them whenever and at the same time, save a lot of time and money. Freezing cupcakes is the way to go for anyone busy and working around the clock. 

Share this article with anyone who you can see making large quantities of cupcakes and not knowing what to do with the rest. And as always, happy baking!


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